- The field of play includes the surrounding walls, glass, the grass, and the referee(s).
- The surrounding protective net is considered out of play when the ball touches it.
- The 6V6 field is 180 ft. long x 80 ft. wide. The goals are 8 ft. high and 14 ft. wide.
- The Mini-fields are 86 ft. long x 48 ft. wide. The goals are 6 ft. high and 12 ft. wide.
- U8 and younger uses a size 3 ball.
- U9 through U12 uses a size 4 ball.
- U13 and older uses a size 5 ball.
- Either Team can provide Game Ball
- U8 and younger plays with 5 players on the field (4 + a goalkeeper).
- U9 through U10 plays with 7 players on the field (6 + a goalkeeper).
- U11 and older plays with 6 players on the field (5 + a goalkeeper).
- Minimum number of players to start a game is 4
- Mercy Rule – Teams may add a player for every 5 goals the opponent leads by. Maximum # of extra players is 2.
- Players are required to have the following equipment:
- Team shirt of matching color with a permanent number.
- Goalies are allowed to have a jersey without a number.
- Shorts. Players may wear long sweat pants that are approved by the referee.
- Shin Guards. Socks must cover the shin guards completely.
- Shoes. Turf shoes, flat-soled shoes and cleats are permitted.
- Players are NOT allowed to have any of the following equipment:
- Jewelry. No jewelry, with the exception of medical tags, is permitted.
- Any type of hard or plastic cast must be wrapped and approved prior to play.
- NO HEADWARE, CAPS OR METAL HAIR CLIPS can be worn unless approved in advance by HVS management.
- Fitbit bracelets are allowed for players 18 years and older.
- I-Watches with a buckle are not allowed.
- NO EYEWEAR with any type of hard material deemed, by the referee, a potential danger to the player or others is permitted. Plastic prescription goggles are allowed.
- Additionally, players with open wounds or visible blood on their body or uniform will not be permitted to play until the wound is properly covered and the uniform changed to the satisfaction of the referee.
- The referee has full authority to enforce HVS rules and policies in connection with the match to which they have been assigned.
- The decisions of the referee are final.
- The referee’s record of the score and time are official.
- “Advantage” Clause – The referee shall refrain from penalizing offenses when doing so would result in an advantage being gained by the offending team.
- Forfeits – In the event of a forfeit, the score of the game at that point stands, the players present may use the rest of the scheduled time for a scrimmage or practice, but the referee is not permitted to officiate any unofficial competition.
- A MAXIMUM of three (3) non-players are allowed in the bench area during the match.
- For high school divisions (U15-U19), a MINIMUM of one (1) parent/coach. MUST be present in the bench area. If one is not present 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the team will forfeit the match.
- Water and sports drinks are allowed in the bench area. All other food and drink, or glass containers, are not permitted in the bench area.
- U-6, U-7 and U8 games will consist of four (4) – 12 minute quarters. (MINI-FIELDS ONLY)
- U-9 & above games will consist of two (2) – 25 minute halves. (BIG FIELDS)
- 2-minute half time, warm-up time is not guaranteed ( High Velocity has a continuous time clock policy, this insures games start on time.)
- Incoming teams MUST wait until the exiting team has cleared the bench area.
- Exiting teams have two (2) minutes to collect their equipment and exit the bench area.
- The visiting team will kick off to begin the match.
- On kick-offs, the following must occur:
- All players must be on their own half of the field.
- The defending players are outside the center circle.
- The ball is set at the center mark and is played after the referee signal.
- Kick-offs MAY go directly back.
- A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off (U-9 and above leagues on BIG FIELDS ONLY).
- On free kicks, the defending team must be 5 yards away from the ball. However, if the kicking team decides to play the ball without asking the referee for the 5 yards, they forfeit this right. The player MUST ask for 5 yards if they feel the distance from the ball is not 5 yards. If the referee is asked to mark off the 5 yards, the kicking team must wait for the referees’ signal to restart play.
- FORFEITS: ANY team that has not submitted a completed roster to the front office, paid their session registration in full or delays the starting kick-off TEN (10) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time, forfeits the match. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- The ball is out of play when:
- Play has been stopped by the referee for any reason.
- A goal is scored.
- The ball touches the side netting. The ball is restarted with a free kick from the spot nearest where it exited the field, no more than one yard (3 feet) from the boards.
- The ball touches the ceiling netting. The ball is restarted with a kick from the attacking/defending line on the side of the field from where it was last touched. Never the Center Line.
- A goal is scored when the ENTIRE width of the ball crosses the ENTIRE width of the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, provided the team has not committed any infringement of the rules prior to the goal being scored.
- If the ball is KICKED directly toward the opponent’s goal and crosses both white lines and the center line in the air and does not touch the ground, the wall or another player, a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the offending teams white line.
- The goalkeeper CANNOT throw the ball three lines.
- U-6, U-7 and U8 on the MINI FIELDS – free kicks are all IN-DIRECT. (MINI FIELDS ONLY)
- U-9 and above on BIG FIELDS – All free kicks are all DIRECT.
- A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offenses in a manner CONSIDERED BY THE REFEREE to be careless, reckless, or using excessive force:
- Pushes an opponent
- Charges an opponent
- Jumps at an opponent
- Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
- Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
- Trips or attempts to trip an opponent
- Endangers an opponent who is close to the dasher boards by attempting to challenge for the ball, making ANY TYPE OF CONTACT with the opponent
- Makes contact with the opponent before making contact with the ball
- Causes an opponent to collide with the dasher boards
- A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offenses; however, if committed within one’s own penalty area, as opposed to a penalty kick, the ball is placed at the top of the penalty arc and considered a normal free direct kick for the opposing team:
- Obstruction (impeding the progress of an opponent while not attempting to play the ball)
- Defender plays the ball while on the ground.
- Defender slide tackles and does not commit a foul. NOTE: Goalkeepers may slide feet-first to make a save ONLY inside their own penalty box, however, the tackle/save must not infringe any other laws of the game.
- Goalkeeper takes longer than 5 seconds to release the ball
- Goalkeeper touches the ball with his/her hands after it has been released from his/her possession and has not touched any other player
- Goalkeeper touches the ball with his/her hands after it has been DELIBERATELY KICKED to him/her by a teammate
- Goalkeeper CANNOT dribble the ball from outside the box into the box and pick it up with their hands.
- TIME WASTING DURING FINAL 3 MINUTES OF A HALF OR GAME: A penalty kick may be awarded to the opposing team if, at the discretion of the referee, a player or any bench personnel waste time during the final 3 minutes of a half. The referee may allow extra time and award the penalty kick even if time expires.
A BLUE CARD will be shown to a player and that player’s team will play with one (1) less player while the player serves a two-minute penalty if he/she commits one of the following offenses:
- Shows dissent to the referee by word or action
- Is guilty of unsporting behavior
- Persistently infringes HVS rules
- Denies an opponent a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his/her own penalty area) or fouling the opponent with intention to deny the opportunity
- Delays the restart of play
- Enters or re-enters the field incorrectly. Players CANNOT jump over boards.
- Deliberately leaves the field in order to avoid punishment
- Commits any fouls in an extreme fashion
- Attempts to damage HVS property
- Too many players on the field during play.
The player may exit the penalty box when the two-minute penalty has expired, or the opposing team scores a goal. If a player from each team receives a simultaneous blue card (each player must serve the entire 2 minute penalty.)
If a player receives 2 Blue cards in a row, the time penalty is 4 minutes. If a player receives one Blue Card at one point in the game and then receives one later, the time penalty is only 2 minutes.
(2) Blue Cards equal a Yellow and (3) Blue cards equal a RED CARD
A RED CARD will be shown to a player and that player’s team will play with one (1) less player for five (5) minutes, unless the opposing team scores, if the player commits one of the following offenses:
- Is guilty of serious foul play
- Is guilty of violent conduct
- Spits at an opponent or any other person
- Uses offensive, insulting, or abusive language or gestures
- Leaves the bench area to get involved in a fight or altercation on the field
- Deliberately damages HVS property
The player receiving the red card will state his/her full name and jersey number to the referee, as it is written on the team’s submitted roster, prior to being escorted out of the field and bench area. The referee may not stop time during this action. Any lack or delay of cooperation will lead to further disciplinary measures determined by HVS management. Players receiving a red card will serve a MINIMUM 1 game suspension and could be issued more games. If a player or team refuse to give the name of a player receiving the RED CARD, the game is finished and that team will automatically forfeit. Players who receive a third Blue Card in the same game will follow ALL rules stated above for a Red Card. However, the team will only be assessed a two-minute penalty.
A player or coach that receives a card for dissent will be issued a yellow card. If this coach/player continues to dissent he will then be issued a yellow and then a Red.
A coach or player receiving a red card while in the bench area will state his/her full name and jersey number to the referee, as it is written on the team’s submitted roster, prior to being escorted out of the field and bench area. The referee may not stop time during this action. Any lack or delay of cooperation will lead to further disciplinary measures determined by HVS management. A coach will decide which player that in the field when the offense occurred serves a five-minute penalty in the manner previously stated. If a team is left with no coaches due to red card ejections, the team forfeits the match.
- U-6, U-7 and U8 on the MINI FIELDS – free kicks are all IN-DIRECT. (MINI FIELDS ONLY)
- ALL free kicks U-9 and above, including corner kicks, goal kicks and kick-ins on BIG FIELDS are DIRECT.
- ALL free kicks must be taken within 5 seconds of the referee’s signal, or the result is a free kick for the opposing team.
- Players taking the free kick may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. The result is a free kick to the opposing team.
- A player CANNOT play the ball to themselves off the boards on a free kick.
- At the taking of a penalty kick, all players except for the goalkeeper and kicker must stand outside of the penalty area and penalty arc, and behind the penalty mark.
- Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken if time expires after the call is made.
- The goalkeeper must stand on his/her goal line until the ball is kicked. If he/she steps ahead of the line prior to the ball being kicked, the kick is re-taken if the ball misses the goal or the goalkeeper saves it. If the kicker kicks the ball of the boards and plays it, the goalie is awarded a free kick.
- When the ball is kicked into the side netting, the opposing team is awarded a direct free kick one yard away (3 feet) from the point of the wall where the ball left play. Like all free kicks, it must be taken within 5 seconds of the referee’s signal or the kick is awarded to the other team.
- As stated above, the 5-second rule applies to goal kicks as well. Unlike outdoor soccer, the ball can be placed anywhere within the kicking team’s own PENALTY AREA. The ball is in play once it leaves the penalty area.
- Game Length: 4 (12min. Quarters)
- All free kicks are indirect (ball must be touched by 2 players) A player cannot kick the ball directly into net without touching another player.
- A player can not score on a kick-off from the center mark if the ball does not touch another player. Ball Must touch two players.
- There will be NO Penalty kicks. If a Foul or Hand Ball occurs in the penalty area, the restart will be an in-direct free kick on top of the arc.
- In good sportsmanship the referees are asked not to keep increasing the score when one team is winning by a large margin.
- 11v11 Games are 35 min. halves with 5 min. halftime
- 9v9 Games are 30 min. halves with 5 min. halftime
- To keep game times on schedule the game clock will be set by the referee and will be continuously set from game to game.
- There is NO slide tackling towards another player. Slides made not in traffic to save a ball from going out of bounds is allowed.
- Super Structure Violations: If the ball hits the top of dome or a light fixture, the restart is an indirect free kick to opposing team. If the ball hits the sides of the dome as if it was going out, will be a throw in.
- All rules are covered under FIFA Laws.
- In the event a coach/parent feels that a player on the opposing team is not age eligible or does not belong on the opposing team: Within the first 15 min of the game you can request a roster check by going to the front office. A printed roster will be given to the referee who will then check the players. Take in mind that the game clock will continue to run.
- In light of the new MSYSA policy regarding headers that was announced (2/24/16), All boarded and non-boarded – teams registered U11 and under (players may not intentionally head the ball during play). For boarded games the restart is a direct free kick were the header occurred, unless it is in the penalty area, the restart would then be on top of the arc. Non boarded games ( if a player purposely tries to head a ball and connects, the referee shall award an indirect free kick from the spot of the header, if it occurs within the defensive penalty area or goal area, the ball is brought outside the area